School Policies

School Policies


Description of policies and procedures reviewing and updating


The Policies and Procedures are discussed, renewed and updated annually according to the school Academic manager, Dr. Mahgoub Alarabi. The school policies are to be updated according to any international new comings. These Policies are to be communicated through the different communication channels.

 The policies and procedures are developed through using the school operational plan.

This operational plan contains:

1-School vision

2-School mission

3-School beliefs

4-Teacher performance rating


6-Improvement plan


These policies and procedures are developed everyyear and printed to be available for all teachers and stakeholders.



The school`s social counseling Department

Grades' Section (2022– 2023)


Subject: Discipline Policy Date


Our school is interested in thestudents' behavioral aspects which are as important as the academic andeducational sides. We also want to emphasize the teacher`s role as an educatorfor the students which is a very important role as well. That is why we haveintegration between both sides as the academic staff of the school iscontributing in building the student`s personality and behavior. So, teachersare kindly requested to pay attention to the important educational role by the followingguidelines:

 Not all the students arecases and not all mistakes should have the same consequence.

Teachers should be aware ofconnecting any discipline procedure with its objective

 Teachers can consult thesocial consultant for guidance on how to deal with cases.

Consultation with otherteachers of the same class may be helpful in dealing with the

     case withoutoverestimating the student`s mistakes

The repeated complaints fromthe same student without taking any action are evidence that the teacher shouldexert extra effort to solve the problems.

 Teachers should discuss theissue clearly to avoid taking a wrong decision.

Discipline procedures shouldbe cumulative then you can ask for help.

Additional class work andhome work can be a good discipline procedure

Depravation of activities,trips or breaks is not allowed as a discipline procedure.

Blaming the student aboutsomething he is not responsible for like coming late to school or missing hisbooks …, etc.  is not the rightaction. Teachers may advise the student or guide him how to solve hisproblems which is better and more effective.

Sending the students outsidethe class is not allowed unless the teacher takes the actions and needs fartherhelp.

Collective punishment is notallowed

 Physical contact or usingthe loud voice is not allowed

 Making the class'satmosphere peaceful and quiet would be helpful in improving their behavior.

 Behavior's marks plan shouldbe followed with a total supervision from the school social worker.

 Always remember, teachersare fathers and mothers.













General Rules of Admission and Registration

1- Studentswho register in the KG. stages must not be less than the following ages at thebeginning of Sept.

o 3 years oldfor KG. 1 students

o 4 years oldfor KG. 2 students

o 5 years oldfor KG. 3 students


2- Studentswho register directly in Gr. 1 must at least finish 2 years in KG. at anotherschool or pass an interview held by the school academic department.


3- Studentswho are transferred from another school are accepted only if the previousschool was an international accredited school.


4- Studentswho are transferred from a public/state school can be accepted in Gr. 1 & 2only after passing an interview and a written placement test.


5- Studentsregistering in the school are expected to complete the following documents intheir files:

o A copy of thefather's passport (valid)

o A copy of themother's passport (valid)

o A copy of thefather's residence permit (valid)

o A copy of thestudent's residence permit (valid)

o A copy of themother's residence permit (valid)

o 4 recentphotos of the student

o A letter fromthe father's work place

o The student'sbirthday certificate

o A copy of thestudent's vaccination card

o All theoriginal certificates the students got from any previous schools authorized byMinistry of Education in KSA or his/her country

oA financial clearance from the student's previous school