School appeals and complains policy

School appeals and complains policy

(1) Orientation meeting

Which takes place in the beginning of the educational year where a

"face to face" meeting between parents , teachers and staff to enable

parents toknow their children's teachers.


(2) Diary

The student receives a "Diary book" in thebeginning of the year ,

   where parents and teachers can keep incontact by writing comments

   to each other in this book.

The observer checks the diary daily to find parentscomments and to

   Share it with the teacher and reply to themin the same day.

In case of parents complains the procedure of dealingwith the

   complain starts by the teacher who tries tosolve the problem.

In case teacher wasn't able to deal with the parentscomplains , the

  Complain will be held by the coordinator tosolve it, otherwise the

  complains will be issued to the management.

(3) Office hours

Parents are informed by certain times when each teacheris available to

   answer the inquiries directly by phone.

In case the parent misses the teacher office hours , thereceptionist will

   take the parent's phone number for a latercall by the concerned teacher.

In case the teacher didn't deal successfully with thecomplaint, the

   coordinator will try to handle the complaintduring their own office hours,

   otherwise it will beissued to the management.

When a parent wants to meet the manger a "parentscomments" form is given to him to

     write his complain as a routine beforemeeting the manager.

   In case the manager is not available, themanager will read the form later and call the

     parents to meet him and discuss his/hercomplain.

(4) "Parents comments"form

When a parent wants to meet anyone of the school staff a"parents comments" form is

   given to him/her to write his/her complainas a routine before meeting the manager.

In case the person is not available, he/she will readthe form later and call the parents to

   meet him and discuss his/her complain.

(5) Facebook

One of the fast communication ways as the parents cansend their comments on the school's face book page , with immediate reply fromthe concerned responsible in school.


(6) SMS

Is a procedure taken by the school in case of student'sabsence by sending a text

   message on the parent's mobile phone.

A procedure is taken by theadmin in case of absence of the student for more than

   a couple of days bycalling the parent.


(7) School website

School news, time tables andschedules are shared on the school's official website so the parents can find their frequent needs easily.


(8) Suggestion-Complaint box

• The school receives your suggestions and complaintsthrough a

   suggestion-complaintbox which is existed in the front office.