Specific Behavioral Guidelines

Specific Behavioral Guidelines:


• It is impermissible to let the students enter theclassroom without uniform.


• It is impermissible to let the students enter theclassrooms before the morning



• It is impermissible to let the students enter theclassroom during the breaks. Eating

  is not allowedinside the classrooms.


• Students are to be accompanied to Salah with theteacher who covers the lesson

  prior to thatbreak.


• Students should perform Salah in properly.


• Students should worship Allah in the best manner aswe've been ordered in the

   Holy Qur'an.


• It is impermissible to have the students’ hair cutunacceptably, i.e. non-Islamic

  haircuts arenot acceptable in our school.


• It is impermissible to bring cell (mobile) phones tothe school premises. For urgent

  calls, studentscan contact their parents through the school administration.


• Students are allowed to buy from the school canteenduring breaks only.


• It is not allowed for any student to leave theclassroom without taking permission

  from theteacher.


• After breaks and Salah, students must go directly totheir classrooms.


• Students accompanied with their teacher must line upquietly and properly when

  they leavetheir classroom to Science Lab, Salah or P.E periods.


• If the subject teacher does not reach his lesson ontime or is absent, students must

  wait inside theclassroom.


• Students are not allowed to leave their classroom tothe playground or anywhere

  else if theyhave a free period. They should stay in the classroom until the substitute

  teacher comes.


• Napping or sleeping is not allowed inside theclassroom.


• Students should participate in the morning assemblyand must take part in the



• Students must bring all their required books,copybooks and pencil cases

   according totheir timetable.


• Homework assignments must be done as assigned on time.


• Students are not allowed to touch or keep dangerous or harmfulobjects.


• Students are not allowed to throw objects around the school.


• Students should respect other's feelings - no teasing, namecalling, swearing, etc.


• Students should use polite words and a respectful tone of voice.


• Gum chewing is not allowed inside school at any time.


• Keep your school clean just as you would keep your house clean.


• Throw rubbish in the bin, keep the place clean always.



Classroom Rules


• Arrive to class on time with all the necessaryequipment.


• Listen to teachers or other students withoutinterruption.


• Complete all assignments on time.


• Treat the teacher and other students with respect.


• No eating or drinking allowed in class (water isacceptable.)


• Respect the property of the school. Don't draw onwalls or tables.


Prayer Room (Musallah) Rules


• Sit properly, Keep quiet, and respect the Musallahand Salaat.


• Move in an orderly manner to and from Musallah withyour teacher.


• Don't talk; listen carefully to the speech after theprayer.


• Don't forget to say the prayer's supplications.



Mobile Telephone Policy


• Mobile telephones are prohibited within the schoolpremises.


• Parents should discourage their kids from bringingmobile phones to schools.


• If a student is found using a mobile phone, for anypurpose, the phone will be



• As a general rule, students are not allowed to usethe school telephones except for

  emergencies. Touse the telephone, students should request permission from the



• Telephone calls should be short and to the point.



Dress Code/Uniform Policy


The Purpose


  • To promote equality amongst all students.
  • To further develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school.
  • To strengthen the spirit of community in our school.


The Policy

  • Takes into account health, safety and comfort.
  • Applies during school hours, on school excursions as well as when travelling to and from school.
  • Provides choice to students through a variety of uniform items.
  • Allows students to dress comfortably in all weather conditions.