More Rules



  • Teachers will ensure that students follow the dress code whilst at school or on school activities.
  • If students are unable to comply with the dress code, parents will contact the classroom teacher.
  • Summer, Winter and sports uniforms will be prescribed, and are required to be worn.
  • Studs and sleepers worn in the ears are the only acceptable earrings.
  • Wearing a watch is acceptable.
  • No other jewelry is to be worn at school.
  • Clear nail polish is permitted.
  • Cosmetics may not be worn at school.
  • Extreme hair colors (eg: green, pink or purple rinses) and/or extreme hairstyles (eg: spikes or mohawks) are not permitted.
  • Students with long hair will be encouraged to tie their hair back.
  • Parents seeking exemptions to the dress code due to religious beliefs, ethnic or cultural background, student disability or health conditions must contact the principal.
  • Parents will be responsible for clearly labelling their children’s uniform items.


Parents will have opportunities topurchase new as well as second hand uniform


Transportation Policy


Going Home byBus:


• At 12:50 p.m. you have to go to your bus withoutwasting any time. The buses leave at



• Inform the bus matron in the morning if you are notgetting the bus in the afternoon.


• Don’t change buses or use the buses to bring yourfriends home with you.


• On the buses the matrons are in charge and areresponsible for your well-being.


• Obey the bus driver at all times.


• You may only buy food from the school cafeteriaduring the day.


• Nothing is to be bought from the shops near where thebuses park.


• No litter should be left on the buses, or droppedfrom the windows.


• Remain seated at all times when the bus is moving.


• Silly, rude or dangerous behavior on the bus will bedealt with by the Bus Controller

  and could leadyou to be suspended from using the bus.


• If you cause any damage, you will have to pay for it.


Bus Policy




To ensure that students from AIS travelling to and fromexcursions by bus, do so safely, and in a manner consistent with the schoolpolicies and regulations.

To ensure that issues relevant to bus travel are dealtwith effectively and efficiently.



Teachers organizing the excursion will follow theguidelines in the Excursion Policy

Teachers organizing the excursion must make themselvesaware of the preferred bus companies who provide buses with seat belts.

Seat belted buses will be ordered in advance by theteacher responsible for organizing the excursion.

When students are travelling to or from an excursion orsporting event, seat belted buses will be used where possible. (It is importantto note that not all buses are seat belted, and that the organizing teacherwill make all reasonable efforts to obtain buses that are seat belted.)



Teachers will ensure that all people travelling on thebus are familiar with the ‘Bus Rules’ before the start of each trip and applyconsequences for non-compliance.

Teachers will make students aware that seat belts areto remain correctly fastened throughout the bus trip.

Where AIS students are sharing buses for sporting events,seat belted buses may not always be available. If this is the case studentswill still need to be reminded of the rules in relation to behavior and safety.

Bus Rules


Remain well clear of the bus when the bus is parking orleaving.

Enter the bus one at a time in an orderly manner.

Sit quietly and sensibly with your bottom on the seatand your body facing the front.

Keep all parts of your body and other objects insidethe bus at all times.

Remain seated until the bus is parked and the teacherhas given instructions to exit the bus.

Follow all directions given by bus driver.

If seat belts are provided on the bus, all studentsmust wear fastened seat belts at all times.