

The Vision of Al-Alson InternationalSchool is Achieving Educational

Excellence Together. With this visionin mind, Al- Alson International School has

developed the Student Code of Conductto help students, parents, and school

personnel understand the guidelinesfor maintaining a safe and orderly learning

environment. Therefore, it is important that Parents/Guardians review this booklet and

discuss its contents with their children. Doing so will help us achieve our goals to

improve student’s achievement, and create clean and safe school environments.


Purpose of Student Code of Conduct:


•To support the creation of a safe learning environment for all members of the school



• To provide clear and explicit expectations for social behaviors in all school settings.


• To provide administrators with interventions that address students’ disruptive


Behavioral Expectations Responsibilities of Students:


• Respect all members of the school community.


• Express needs and concerns in an appropriate Manner.


• Understand and comply with school rules and climate expectations, including the

  Student Code of Conduct.


• Comply with the School’s attendance, dress code, unlawful harassment, and bullying



• Behave in a manner that focuses on academic success.


• Be responsible and accountablefor following rules.

Attendance Expectations:


• Emphasize the importance of on-time attendance in school, class, morning assembly,

   praying break, and all supervised activities—and celebrate good attendance and



• Send children to school every day prepared to participate and learn by providing a

   good night's sleep and breakfast.


• Call the school when the child is absent.


• Provide a written excuse for every absence when yourchild returns to school.


• Provide a written excuse for every late arrival andearly departure.


• Provide the school with correct current addresses, emergency contacts, home, cell

  and work telephone numbers, e-mail addresses to the school at the beginning of each

  school year and update information whenever there are changes.


• A pattern of an "unexcused" lateness or absence can lead to deduction of marks and a

 variety of penalties, depending upon the circumstances.


School Discipline Policy


Al-Alson International School Discipline Policy is inaccordance with the

regulations of The Ministry ofEducation.


Purpose of the Discipline Policy:


• to provide guidelines and rules to control and regulate the students’ behavior.


• to facilitate a positive school climate where each student feels safe and secure.


Disciplinary committee:


The discipline committee consists of seven members: The School Principal, the

Academic Manager, the vice principal, two heads of departments, and two teachers

from different departments.

Responsibilities of Disciplinary Committee:


• Detecting and examining some behavioral problems among students.


• Meeting with misbehaving students and clarifying the negative effects of bad

  behavior on their life.


• Promoting good behavior among students and rewarding those with good conduct.


• Promoting the Islamic moral values.


• Taking suitable action towards students' misconduct